BMBI Families,


We are hopeful we can have a normal season.  Having said that, we do have contingency plans in place in the event the government continues with restrictions due to the COVID pandemic.  Any decisions or return to play protocols we put in place, will have your safety in mind.  Our member safety is paramount.

Baseball Ontario, the governing body for youth baseball in the province, has updated their Return to Play protocols based on the most current information available and best practices suggested from the regional health units.  You can find those protocols here Baseball Ontario’s Return to Sport Covid-19 Guidelines – Updated June 29, 2021


On a positive note, for those who have enjoyed volunteering as a coach in the past, in November of 2020, the province of Ontario passed legislation that protects a volunteer from COVID litigation, as long as the volunteer followed the Return to Sport protocol.  BMBI also has the experience of the Rep and Select coaches, whose teams practiced and played in games in August and September of 2020.  What we found is that by following some basic rules society as a whole has been following for the past year, we were able to practice and have games without incident.  We will provide guidance to all of our Rec League coaches as to how to coach in a COVID environment to maximize the safety of all of our members (players, coaches, umpires and parents).

What this means, is we can get back to some form of normalcy for the 2021 playing season, which is good for all of our mental well-being.  We may start the season a little later than normal, depending on when the provincial and regional governments provide the green light, but we’ll be ready to go.


If you’re ready to register, you can do so here Coach Registration form.  For those families who had a credit from last year, you can contact our Registrar, Cheryl Labrador, at and she will provide a code to use during the registration process to apply the credit.

Looking forward to getting everyone back on the field this season.  And please, if you have any questions, please reach out to me.


Yours in baseball,


Frank Fascia
President, BMBI