News & Announcements
With the 2021 recreational league coming to an end, the BMBI equipment shed will be open the following dates for. Oa hea to return thier team’s equipment bags. Saturday September 25th from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm(noon) Tuesday September 28th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm Thursday September 30th from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm…
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce our final selection of Rep & Select coaches for the 2022 baseball season. Thank you to everyone who applied and congratulations to the following Coaches:
Read MoreTryout registration for thee 2022 Brampton Royals 15U, 16U, 17U and 18U High Performance (Elite Division) Teams is now open. You must registrations online before attending, so please visit our registration page to sign up as soon as possible. Day Time Location 15U August 16th 6:30pm – 8:30pm Chris Gibson August 17th 6:00pm –…
Read MoreWe are pleased to announce our final selection of HP coaches for the 2022 baseball season. Thank you to everyone who applied and congratulations to the following Coaches:
Read MoreIt is with great sadness that we pass on the news of the passing of James Chiovitti. James was an umpire with BMBI. And he umpired with an infectious enthusiasm and joy, that made everyone on the field that day feel good about being there. We will miss his smile and jovial character, but we…
Read MoreDr. Sumon Chakrabarti joins Dr. Brian Goldman on ‘The Dose Podcast’ on CBC, to debunk myths about outdoor transmission of the COVID-19. The risk of catching coronavirus outdoors is very low. Yet new pandemic restrictions in Ontario ban most outdoor sports and gatherings. Infectious diseases physician Dr. Sumon Chakrabarti joins Dr. Brian Goldman to debunk…
Read More2021 Brampton Minor Baseball Inc. Annual General Meeting of the Members Wednesday, April 14, 7:00 PM HELD VIRTUALLY DETAILS WILL BE POSTED LATER AT THE AGM; The Auditor’s Report and audited Financial Statement for the fiscal period ending September 30, 2020 will be presented to the Members; Appointment of the Auditors for the fiscal period…
Read MoreBMBI is now accepting applications to umpire for the 2021 baseball season Apply Now!
Read MoreBMBI Families, We are hopeful we can have a normal season. Having said that, we do have contingency plans in place in the event the government continues with restrictions due to the COVID pandemic. Any decisions or return to play protocols we put in place, will have your safety in mind. Our member safety…
Read MoreBRENDA KNIGHT AWARDED LIFE MEMBER STATUS BMBI is pleased to announce Brenda Knight was awarded Life Member status at our recent Executive Committee meeting, this past Tuesday, January 26th. Brenda had volunteered with BMBI for more than 25 years and in 2016 was awarded the 25 Year Long Term Service Award by the City of…
Read MoreOur Sponsors
BMBI would like to thank our sponsors, for their support of our 2025 baseball season. You are helping BMBI to build a better community through baseball. For more information on sponsorship, please contact

Kinsmen Club of Brampton-Bramalea

Mikey's Bistro